Busy Mom Schedule Planner

Being a mom of 3, juggling all of my tasks for the day can sometimes turn out less than perfect. If your a mom you know what I'm talking about 😅. Though I still work part time in the salon on the weekends, I'll walk you through my normal weekday schedule with the kids. 

Awake an hour earlier than the kids wake up

Though that extra hour of sleep might sound tempting, having a little time to yourself before everyone gets up helps you get prepared for the day rather then fumbling around getting up at once. I normally nurse the baby back to sleep between 4-5 a.m. After this I have time to make coffee, brush my teeth/ shower, or catch up on laundry. After about an hour the toddlers come out one by one.
Next is breakfast usually prepared by my significant other. He will usually take them out to water the plants and things like that while I do another feed with the baby. 

Plan the next toddler activity

Now that the baby is content we will do something together like a floor puzzle, flashcards, or reading books. These are some of their favorites:

Lunch Time

Now that they are engrossed in playing together it's about 10 a.m. Now I will slip away to start preparing lunch. I like to start early so I get a head start and it's not boiling hot by the time I serve it. A few favorites are:

•kale chips (check out my recipe)

I normally buy these items on Amazon in bulk and rotate them weekly also trying to sneak in a vegetable or two.

After lunch is served we will watch something educational like PBS or a DVD. Then all the sudden the toddlers usually get a huge burst of energy, like I just unleashed them from a cage. I generally let them work off this energy as I know it will tire them out. However, sometimes they get pretty daring so beware, if they start swaying from your chandelier it might be time for a nap. 

Nap time usually falls around 2-3p.m. They usually rock themselves to sleep in their Fisher Price rocking chair. I have a love/hate relationship with these chairs. They are great for rocking, watching T.V. etc., but if they rock over your feet your going to have a really crushed toe, if you have wood or vinyl floors they're going to get scratched, and if your kids are anything like mine, they like to leave the chairs in every possible  doorway so you are just constantly tripping over a chair. Sooo, with that being said buy at your own risk😁.

Squeeze in another chore or take a rest

Sometimes the bathroom is just screaming my name to clean it, and while everyone is sleeping this seems like the perfect opportunity to do it. Some days I am just pooped from running around the house, making milk, and breaking up the cat fights. I am not one to take a mid-day nap but I will surely take some time to just lay down to rest and clear my mind. 

Dinner Time
Now I will start preparing dinner and after that it's family time. Playing indoor games with Papa or weather permitting outdoors on the jungle gym or trampoline. After Wheel of Fortune it's time to get ready for bed. Depending on the scenario, we try to bathe only one kid per night as we have one that is extremely against bath time. Otherwise it's brush teeth and in bed by 8. I normally go to sleep around the same time as the kids. I used to stay up to do crafts, shop online, etc. but after baby #3 getting some shut-eye early is much more beneficial for me. 

I hope these tips help. Leave me a comment and let me know what works for you!

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